War of 1812 Pensioners in Michigan, 1883
Indexed by Schuyler Putt, Genealogy Center Volunteer, 2010.
This data was compiled from the U.S. Pension Bureau's List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883, volume IV (GC call number 973.74 AA1UP). The U.S. Senate mandated the Pension Bureau to compile a list of all pensioners as of 1 January 1883. The vast majority of the pensioners were Civil War veterans, widows, and minors. However, there were pensioners from other wars, including the War of 1812.
There were 599 War of 1812 pensioners enumerated in the Pension Bureau's list for Michigan. Most were widows, but there were some surviving veterans.
This index includes the pensioner's name, county of residence, type of pension, and pension certificate number (which can be used to order a copy of the pension file from the National Archives and Records Administration). The original List of Pensioners also includes the pensioner's post office, amount of monthly pension, and (for some) the date the pension was granted.
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