Franklin County, Indiana 1858 Landowners Map

This resource is made available through the generosity of John J. Newman, Brookville, Indiana, who wrote the introduction, provided the images to be scanned, and coordinated the indexing. In addition to John Newman, the careful indexing of the landowners on this map was done by the Franklin County historian, staff from the Franklin County Public Library District, and the Franklin County Recorder's office.
Introduction by John J. Newman
Part One - How to Use the Index
Part One - Special Features
Part Two - Background History of Noble's Map
Table of Contents:
Franklin County Townships Overview
Bath Township
Blooming Grove Township
Brookville Township
Brookville Town Plat
Butler Township
Fairfield Township
Highland Township
Laurel Township
Laurel, Sommerset, and Mt. Auburn Town Plat
Metamora Township
Posey Township
Ray Township
Salt Creek Township
Springfield Township
Whitewater Township
Statistical Table
Note: Since some names are difficult to read due to the condition of the original map, or due to the small lots of land illustrated, read Part One of the Introduction in order to use the index to best advantage. Images can be enlarged by simultaneously holding down the control key and tapping the "+" key.
Browse All Names