Directory of Businesses in Hendricks County, Indiana (1868)
Transcribed by Meredith Thompson, 2009.
This is a transcription of the entries for the Hendricks County towns listed in H.C. Chandler & Co.'s Railway Business Directory and Shippers Guide for the State of Indiana (Indianapolis: H.C. Chandler & Co., 1868). It is NOT a directory of all Hendricks County businesses; it is only a directory of those businesses that were located near railroads.
This database may be searched in the following ways:
- Fuzzy: will search for that string of characters. Searching for Smith would find Smith, Smithson, Arrowsmith, etc.
- Exact: will search only for that exact text. Searching for Smith will find only Smith.
- Soundex: will search for the Soundex equivalent. Searching for Smith will find Smith, Smythe, Schmidt, etc.