Fort Wayne Catholic Cemetery through 1983
- Results
- a. = age
- b. = date of birth
- bd. = birth date
- bo. = burial order
- bp. = birthplace/place of birth
- ch. = church
- d. = date of death
- div. = divorce
- fem. = female
- FW = Fort Wayne
- G & C = Getz & Cahill (mortuary)
- G & E = Getz & Eikenberry (mortuary)
- gr. = grave number
- in. = date of interment
- inf. = infant
- jg. = jubilee ground
- ln. = lot number
- lr. = last residence
- m. = married
- M & S = Mungovan & Son (mortuary)
- mar. = married
- maus. = mausoleum
- mo. = mortuary
- mor. = mortician/funeral director
- ms. = marital status
- o.c. = removed from old cemetery
- pg. = public ground
- re. = remarks
- roc = removed from old cemetery
- s. = single
- sec. = section
- ser. = war service
- s.g. or sg. = single grave
- sp. = space
- T.M. = Tom Mungovan (mortuary)
- ug. = unconsecrated ground
- w. = widow or widower
- wid. = widow
- W.W. = World War
Surname | First Name | Details |
Glass | Kathryn M. | d. 5-24-1974; in. 5-27-1974; bp. Fort Wayne, Ind.; lr. 2903 Shawnee Dr.; mor. Mungovan & Sons, South; next of kin Oliver E. Glass, husband; a. 73 yrs.; bd. 9-12-1900; sex fem.; ms. mar.; sec. D; lot 217; ch. St. Patrick |
Glasser | Anna | d. June 25, 1910 -sec. sg, pg. |
Glassley | Amos W. | d. July 20, 1963 -in. July 23, 1963 -bp. South Whit- ley, Ind. -lr. FW -mo. McComb -a. 72y -b. Feb. 17, 1891 -ms. m. sec. K -ln. 225 -ch. St. Mary. |
Glassley | Anna | d. July 20, 1963 -in. July 23, 1963 -bp. FW -lr. FW - mo. McComb -a. 71y -b. Feb. 27, 1892 -ms. m. -sec. K -ln. 225 - ch. St.Mary. |
Number of items that your search found: 4