The Genealogy Center >> Our Military Heritage >> Civil War >> Confederate Circle, Evergreen Cemetery

Confederate Circle, Evergreen Cemetery, Murfreesboro, Rutherford County, Tennessee

From the historical marker at Evergreen Cemetery:
"Within this circle lies the remains of over 2000 gallant Confederate soldiers who gave their lives in the battles in and around Murfreesboro during The War Between The States 1861-1865. They were first buried on the battlefield where they died defending their native southland in 1867 under the direction of Captain Edwin Arnold they were moved to the original Confederate cemetery two miles south of Murfreesboro on the Shelbyville highway. In February of 1890 this plot was granted to Joseph Palmer Bivouac No. 10 of the Association Confederate Soldiers Tennessee Division. In 1891 The Ladies Memorial Association had the remains of these fallen Confederate heroes moved here to their final resting place. There are soldiers from nearly every southern state buried here; most are unknown. The marble shaft was placed by The United Daughters of the Confederacy Murfreesboro Chapter No. 91 and unveiled during their Tennessee Division Convention in May of 1915. The granite tablets were placed by Sons of Confederate Veterans Murfreesboro Camp No. 33 in November 1982. This plaque was dedicated by Camp No. 33 on April 21, 2001 during the Sons of Confederate Veterans Tennessee Division Reunion."

Historical Marker
Confederate Circle
Close Up of Monument
Marker 1
Marker 2

The photographs and data were generously contributed by Amy Johnson Crow and are used here with permission.

Name Image
Adkins, W. MImage
Allen, J. W.Image
Anderson, EdImage
Andruman, R. E.Image
Ardis, CalvinImage
Arnold, F. W.Image
Arnold, WilliamImage
Ballard, W. F.Image
Barton, J. M.Image
Batchelor, J. W.Image
Beard, J.Image
Beasley, J. B.Image
Bellah, JamesImage
Bennett, O. L.Image
Bevil, JamesImage
Blackwood, B. K.Image
Bradshaw, J.Image
Brandon, J. T.Image
Brannan, H.Image
Brown, J.Image
Brown, ThomasImage
Call, A. J.Image
Calvert, W. T.Image
Campbell, T. C.Image
Cargill, J. A.Image
Carter, P. C.Image
Carter, W. J.Image
Cathey, J. C.Image
Cayce, F. L.Image
Clark, J. H.Image
Clayton, R.Image
Cook, J.Image
Cook, W. B.Image
Corins, E. L.Image
Croacker, MosesImage
Crofford, HenryImage
Crouse, JohnImage
Crowell, J. Y.Image
Cummings, G. W.Image
Cummings, J. W.Image
Cummins, A. J.Image
Currey, JamesImage
Davis, H.Image
Davis, T. H.Image
Dennis, W. T.Image
Donkin, P.Image
Drake, T. B.Image
Edwards, J. L.Image
Elkins, C. A.Image
Elliot, R. H.Image
Ellison, A.Image
Fain, J. T.Image
Felts, CharlesImage
Finsley, J.Image
Fisher, HenryImage
Fostie, M.Image
Freshingcott, J. C.Image
Galbraith, Capt.Image
Gibson, W. C.Image
Gill, JohnImage
Gladdin, WilliamImage
Glascow, J. P.Image
Green, MartinImage
Grott, R. W.Image
Grubbs, Lieut.Image
Haggie, T.Image
Halcom, W.Image
Hale, D. M.Image
Harden, A. J.Image
Hardin, A. A.Image
Harper, Capt.Image
Harper, W.Image
Hoskins, H.Image
Hownvill, T.Image
Hussey, T.Image
Jackson, WilliamImage
Jammerson, W.Image
Jarratt, JohnImage
Jenkins, G.Image
Johns, R.Image
Johnson, S. F.Image
Johnson, W. M.Image
Jordon, LunsfordImage
Kelzer, Dr.Image
Kissack, J. M.Image
Lee, L. D.Image
Lesneur, N. C.Image
Lewis, O.Image
Ligon, W. T.Image
Lithgood, Col.Image
Lorance, J. F.Image
Lyon, J. L.Image
Marberry, J. L.Image
Marshall, A. H.Image
Marshall, E. H.Image
Marshall, M.Image
Mason, Lt. Col.Image
McCannon, B. C.Image
McCollum, J. L.Image
McGee, JohnImage
McGuire, H.Image
McKerty, J. R.Image
McNab, J. T.Image
McNew, J. H.Image
Middlebrooks, W. S.Image
Miller, E.Image
Miller, W. R.Image
Morhanan, L. F.Image
Moseley, Jno. W.Image
Neal, M.Image
Nelson, E. R.Image
Nelson, J. P.Image
Oxendine, J. P.Image
Parker, J.Image
Parman, JamesImage
Patterson, J.Image
Pettigrew, J. A.Image
Phillips, R. P.Image
Pitman, J. T.Image
Raisneur, K. E.Image
Ransom, J. A.Image
Rawlings, T. M.Image
Rominer, W. C.Image
Roper, C. W.Image
Scofield, H. S.Image
Shipper, J.Image
Small, W. C.Image
Smith, R. W.Image
Smith, S.Image
Smith, W. W.Image
Stacey, W.Image
Talley, W. M.Image
Taylor, G. L.Image
Teel, C. C.Image
Thrasher, A. J.Image
Walker, W. T.Image
Warmack, W.Image
Warren, R. J.Image
Wayne, D.Image
Wayt, J. M.Image
Webb, Sgt.Image
Wharton, W. M.Image
Williams, Capt.Image
Williams, P. A.Image

Confederate Memorial, Evergreen Cemetery

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