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African-Americans Found in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana, City Directories

About This Resource:
The following Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana city directories were abstracted by Margery Graham, a Genealogy Center volunteer and member of the Allen County Genealogical Society of Indiana, Inc.

1858-59 Fort Wayne City Directory
1860-61 Fort Wayne City Directory
1861-62 Fort Wayne City Directory
1864-65 Fort Wayne City Directory
1866-67 Fort Wayne City Directory
1868-69 Fort Wayne City Directory
1869-70 Fort Wayne and Allen County Directory
1870-71 Fort Wayne City Directory
1873-74 Fort Wayne City Directory
1874-75 Fort Wayne City Directory
1875-76 Fort Wayne City Directory
1876-77 Fort Wayne City Directory
1889-90 Fort Wayne and Allen County Directory
1890-91 Fort Wayne and Allen County Directory
1910 Fort Wayne City Directory

1858-59 Fort Wayne City Directory
The following was abstracted from Williams' Fort Wayne Directory, City Guide, and Business Mirror. Fort Wayne, IN: C. L. Hill, Phoenix Block, 1858. Volume 1-1858-59. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Elliott, Willis, barber, north side Main between Clinton and Calhoun.
Elliott, Willis, barber, north side Jefferson between Griffith and Fulton.
Fisher, Geo. W., plasterer, south side Washington between Hanna and Francis.
Hoffman, Wm., barber, north side Washington between Harrison and Webster.
Jackson, Bertran, cook, north side Columbia between Clinton and Barr.
Kennedy, Henry, plasterer, southwest corner Hanna and Lewis.
Pompey, James Wm., laborer, southwest corner Hanna and Lewis.
Sampson, Jos., cook, north side Columbia between Clinton and Barr.
Stewart, Mrs. Alice, west side Barr between Washington and Jefferson.
Ward, Saml., whitewasher, north side Main between Harrison and Maiden Lane.

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1860-61 Fort Wayne City Directory
The following was abstracted from The Fort Wayne City & Business Directory and City Guide, for 1860-61. Fort Wayne, IN: Dawson's Daily & Weekly Times Office, 1860. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Elliott, Willis, barber, shop over post office.
Fisher, Joseph, plasterer, 225 E. Washington.
Hoffman, Wm., barber, shop south side Columbia between Clinton and Calhoun.
Kennedy, Henry, plasterer, southwest corner Harmer and Lewis.
Pompey, William, lather, 252 E. Jefferson.
Sampson, Jos., barber south side Columbia between Clinton and Barr.
Stewart, Mrs. Alice, darkey, north side Barr between Washington and Jefferson.
Stewart, Charles, darkey, north side Barr between Washington and Jefferson.
Ward, Sam, whitewasher, 44 W. Wayne.
Ward, Mrs., washerwoman, fortune teller, 44 W. Wayne.

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1861-62 Fort Wayne City Directory
The following was abstracted from Williams' Fort Wayne Directory, City Guide, & Business Mirror for 1861-62. Fort Wayne, IN: N. P. Stockbridge, 1861. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Elliott, Willis, barber, east side of Calhoun between Columbia and Main, res. 152 W. Jefferson.
Fisher, Geo. W., plasterer, 246 E. Washington.
Fisher, Joseph, plasterer, 246 W. Washington.
Kennedy, Augustus, plasterer, 212 E. Lewis.
Kennedy, H. H., plasterer, 212 E. Lewis.
Lewis, Franklin, whitewasher, boards 152 W. Jefferson.
Perkins, Benj., cook J. F. & C. P. Fletcher's Dining Saloon and Boarding House, corner Calhoun and Railroad.
Pompey, Wm., whitewasher, 257 E. Jefferson.
Revils, Willis, barber, res. Willis Elliot's.
Sampson, Joseph, barber, over 53 Columbia.
Ward, Samuel, whitewasher, 157 E. Wayne.

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1864-65 Fort Wayne City Directory
The following was abstracted from Williams' Fort Wayne Directory, City Guide, and Business Mirror, for 1864-5. Fort Wayne, IN: N. P. Stockbridge, 1864. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Brown, John, cook at D. O'Connell's restaurant.
Elliott, Willis, barber, 80 Columbia, res. 152 W. Jefferson.
Fisher, Geo. W., plasterer, 246 E. Washington.
Kennedy, Gust, plasterer, 229 E. Jefferson.
McClanahan, Geo., cooper works for Haswell & Pierce's.
Revels, Willis, barber, 152 W. Jefferson.
Simpson, Joseph, barber at Summit City Hotel.
Vorce, John, cook, Fort Wayne Eating House.
Ward, Samuel, whitewasher, 157 E. Wayne.

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1866-67 Fort Wayne City Directory
The following was abstracted from Williams' Fort Wayne Directory, 1866-67. Fort Wayne, IN: N. P. Stockbridge, 1866. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Brown, John, cook O'Connell Bros., res. west side Barr between Washington and Jefferson.
Elliott, Willis, barber, 80 Columbia, res. 152 W. Jefferson.
Fisher, George, plasterer, res. 246 E. Washington.
Fisher, Joseph, plasterer, res. 265 E. Washington.
Kennedy, August, plasterer, res. east side Francis between Madison and Lewis.
Pompey, James W., laborer, res. northeast corner Washington and Francis.
Riel, Sampson, barber, west side Calhoun between Berry and Main, res. 58 W. Washington.
Sampson, Joseph, barber, northeast corner Calhoun and Railroad.
Stewart, Martha, servant Samuel Hanna's.
Vorce, John, cook Henry McKinnie's.
Warden (sic) Samuel, whitewasher, res. southeast corner Wayne and Hanna.
Washington, Henry, barber, 80 Columbia.

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1868-69 Fort Wayne City Directory
The following was abstracted from Williams' Fort Wayne Directory, 1868-69. Fort Wayne, IN: N. P. Stockbridge, 1868. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Baldwin, Miss H., hairdresser, 80 Columbia.
Cannady, Gust., plasterer, west side Smith near south Corp. line.
Fisher, Geo. W., plasterer, 246 E. Washington.
Sampson, Joseph, barber 136 Columbia, res. north side Wayne bet. Francis and Hanna.
Vorce, John, cook Railroad Eating House.

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1869-70 Fort Wayne City and Allen County Directory
The following was abstracted from Fort Wayne City and Allen County Directory for 1869-70, Containing a Complete List of all Residents in the City. Fort Wayne, IN: A. B. Cook, Jr., 1869. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Brown, John, colored, cook Aveline House, res. East side of Calhoun between Jefferson and Washington.
Luckey, Emeline, widow, boards with Gustavas McClanahan.
McClanahan, George, cooper, works for G. McClanahan.
McClanahan, Gustavus, farmer & cooper, Aboit Twp., post office Fort Wayne, res. Road Between Aboit and Lake Townships, 7˝ miles from courthouse.
McClanahan, Mary Jane, boards with G. McClanahan.
McClanahan, Telarius, cooper, works for G. McClanahan.
Metcalf, Aladdin, farmer, tenant, Eel River Twp., post office Eel River, res. Goshen Road, 12 miles from courthouse.
Noah, Miss, colored, boarding, northwest corner of Columbia at Harrison.
Vorce, John, cook, Capt. McKinney's dining saloon, P., F. W. & C. RR passenger depot.
Ward, Samuel, colored, whitewasher, res. Between Washington and Jefferson.

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1870-71 Fort Wayne City Directory
The following was abstracted from Williams' Ft. Wayne Directory for 1870-71; to which is Appended a United States Office Directory. Fort Wayne, IN: N. P. Stockbridge, 1870. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Baldwin, Hanna A., hairdresser, 80 Columbia.
Brown, Elijah, cook, res. east side Calhoun between Washington and Jefferson.
Brown, John, barber, boards Elijah Brown's.
Brown, John W., cook, res. east side Calhoun between Washington and Jefferson.
Cannaday, Gust., plasterer, west side Smith, south of Horace.
Fisher, Geo. W., plasterer, res. 246 E. Washington.
Patterson, Isabel, servant, 40 Jackson.
Sampson, Harriet, res. 26 E. Berry.
Stewart, Wm., barber, 76 Barr.
Vorce, John, cook, Fort Wayne Dining Hall, res. 89 Lewis.
Ward, Samuel, whitewasher, res. east side Calhoun between Washington and Jefferson.
Washington, Wm., laborer, works Fort Wayne Dining Hall.

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1873-74 Fort Wayne City Directory
The following was abstracted from Carier & Campbell's Fort Wayne City Directory for 1873-4. Fort Wayne, IN: Sentinel Printing House, 1873. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Baldwin, Mrs. Anna, hairdresser, 30 E. Columbia.
Brown, Jno., barber Hall & Brown, res. 189 Calhoun.
Butler, Jas., barber, boards 233 Broadway.
Butler, Mrs. Kate, res. 233 Broadway.
Butler, John, laborer, boards 233 Broadway.
Canida, August, plasterer, res. 82 Smith.
Fisher, George W., plasterer, res. 250 E. Washington.
King, Moses, laborer, res. 229 E. Wayne.
Leighton, George W., barber, boards 76 Columbia.
Ridley, John, barber, boards -- Barr.
Stewart, William L., barber, boards 68 Barr.
Vorce, John, cook, res. 26 Holman.
Weaver, Thomas, porter at Mayer House, boards same.

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1874-75 Fort Wayne City Directory
The following was abstracted from Fort Wayne Directory, 1874-75. Detroit, MI: Polk, Murphy & Company, Publishers, 1874. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Baldwin, Mrs. Eliza, colored, res. 30 E. Columbia.
Baldwin, Miss Hannah, colored, hair dresser 30 E. Columbia, res. same.
Beck, Joshua, colored, porter, Robinson House.
Brown, John, colored, barber, 34 E. Columbia, res. same.
Butler, James, colored, barber, (J. Ridley & Co.), bds. 227 Barr.
Fisher, George W., whitewasher, res. 250 E. Washington.
Jordon, Elihu H., colored, barber, 37 E. Columbia, res. 281 E. Washington.
Jordan, Nixon, colored, barber, 189 Lafayette, res. 281 E. Washington.
King, Moses, colored, res. 229 E. Wayne.
Leighton, George W., colored, barber, John Brown, bds. 34 E. Columbia.
Mead, Zachariah, colored, brakeman P. F.W. & C. RR, bds. 68 Barr.
Ridley, John, colored, J. Ridley & Co., barbers, 135 Broadway, res. same.
Stewart, Wm. L., colored, barber, 68 Barr, res. same.
Thomas, Frank H., colored, barber, John Brown, bds. 34 E. Columbia.
Thompson, Napoleon, colored, domestic Hanna House.
Vaun, Wm., colored, brakeman, T. W. & W. RR, bds. 68 Barr.
Vorse, John, cook, railroad eating house, res. 26 Holman.
Weaver, Thomas P., colored, porter Robinson House.

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1875-76 Fort Wayne City Directory
The following was abstracted from Fort Wayne Directory, 1875-76. Detroit, MI: R. L. Polk & Company, 1875. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Baldwin, Anna, hairdresser, res. 30 E. Columbia.
Black, Arabella, domestic 206 W. Wayne.
Black, Belle, domestic 121 W. Washington.
Black, Joseph, porter, res. 120 W. Washington.
Black, John O., whitewasher, boards 174 Calhoun.
Brooks, Calvin F., barber northeast corner Clinton and Columbia, res. 125 E. Lewis.
Brown, Charles, porter Robinson House.
Brown, Daniel, res. 34 Columbia.
Brown, John, barber 34 Columbia, res. same.
Brown, John, cook Aveline House.
Burnett, Alfred, cook Oyster Bay Restaurant, boards same.
Butler, James, barber, boards 233 Broadway.
Cannady, August, saloon and boarding, 100 E. Columbia.
Carter, Geo., porter Robinson House.
Fisher, Geo. W., plasterer, res. 250 E. Washington.
Henderson, Napoleon, porter Central Hotel.
Mitchell, Samuel, barber John Brown, res. 125 E. Lewis.
Meads, Zachariah, brakeman, boards 68 Barr.
Pettaford, Mrs. M. S., hair goods 63 E. Main, res. same.
Pettaford, Enoch, conductor, res. 63 E. Main.
Rhodes, Chapman, laborer, boards 63 E. Main.
Spring, Rosa, domestic 95 E. Main.
Stewart, Wm. L., barber 68 Barr, res. same.
Stokes, Washington, porter Robinson House.
Vorse, John, cook, res. 26 Holman.
Weaver, Thomas P., white washer, res. 74 Barr.
West, Wm., cook Mayer House.
Whitfield, Robert H., barber C. F. Brooks, rooms corner Clinton and Columbia.
Winslow, Wm. Penn, barber John Brown, boards 34 E. Columbia.
Winslow, Elwood, barber W. L. Stewart, res. 68 Barr.

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1876-77 Fort Wayne City Directory
The following was abstracted from Edmondson's Fort Wayne Directory, 1876-7. Cincinnati, OH: Edmondson, 1876. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Baldwin, Miss Anna, hair dresser 30 Columbia, res. same.
Black, Joseph, porter Aveline House, res. 12 W. Washington.
Bond, Miss Maggie, works 51 Barr, res. same.
Brooks, Calvin F., barber shop corner Columbia and Clinton, res. 125 E. Lewis.
Brown, Mrs. Anna, first cook American House, boards same.
Brown, Charles, laborer, res. 109 E. Holman.
Brown, John, cook Aveline House, res. 96 E. Jefferson.
Brown, John, cook Aveline House, res. 173 Harrison.
Brown, Daniel, res. 96 E. Jefferson.
Burnett, Alfred, cook Mayer House.
Butler, James, barber, res. 233 Broadway.
Butler, John, flagman, res. 233 Broadway.
Butler, Mrs. Catherine, res. 233 Broadway.
Cannady, Augustus, saloon and boarding 100 Columbia, res. same.
Carter, Geo. W., porter at Robinson House.
Fisher, G. W., plasterer, res. 250 E. Washington.
Henderson, Napoleon, barber, res. 125 E. Lewis.
Jordan, Nixon M., barber, res. 121 E. Holman.
Mitchel, Saml., barber works C. F. Brooks, boards 125 E. Lewis.
Rhodes, Robert, brakeman P F W & C Ry, res. 235 Lafayette.
Stewart, William L., barber and fruit stand 54 Barr, res. same.
Vorse, John, cook at Railroad Eating House, res. 26 Holman.
Weaver, Thomas P., white washer, res. over 76 Barr.
Winslow, Wm. Penn, porter Mayer House.

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1889-90 Fort Wayne City and Allen County Directory
The following was abstracted from Fort Wayne and Allen County Directory, 1889-90. Detroit, MI: R. L. Polk & Company, Publishers WPA, 1890. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Name, occupation, place of residence. All entries are listed as "colored."

Adams, Thomas H., brakeman, Penn Co., res. 68 Murray.
Barnes, Robert, boards 70 Murray.
Bass, Alfred, barber 32 E. Columbia, res. 14 Lafayette.
Black, John A., porter NY, C & St. L. Railway, res. 151 High.
Brookshire, Isham S., brakeman, res. 15 Grand.
Brown, John, cook Aveline House.
Brown, John W., cook, res. 31 Grand.
Burnett, Daniel, stave cutter, res. 54 Oliver.
Clay, Henry C., driver Clayton, Purcell & Co., res, 65 W. Superior.
Clay, Jacob H., driver J. P. Tinkham, res. 5 Pearl.
Davis, Sheridan, waiter, boards 38 Hamilton.
Dean, Alice M., dressmaker, boards 10 Barthold Ave.
Dean, Charles, laborer, res. 10 Barthold Ave.
Dickerson, Sarah, widow of Andrew, res. 33 W. Lewis.
Dodson, Arnold, laborer, res. 15 Francis.
Finley, John, waiter The Wayne.
Fletcher, J. Thomas, brakeman Penn Co., rooms 72 Murray.
Ford, Wm. E., res. 228 Lafayette.
Green, Noah, res. 102 Chicago.
Green, Otto, boards 102 Chicago.
Henry, Garrett, barber J. Ridley, boards 232 W. Washington.
Henson, David, waiter Wayne Hotel, boards 38 Hamilton.
Henson, Thomas H. waiter Wayne Hotel, boards 38 Hamilton.
Lacklin, Charles L., cook Aveline House, res. 50 Leith.
Levi, Henry, cook Hedekin House.
Manley, Asa C., whitewasher, boards 5 Pearl.
Mathews, John, laborer, res. 33 W. Lewis.
Meads, Zachariah, brakeman Penn Co., boards 292 E. Wayne.
Moten, Moses, engineer, Kerr-Murray Mnfg. Co., res. 70 Murray.
Peter, Simon J. R., barber 22 Barr, res. 67 W. Superior.
Rains, Solomon M., cook Hotel Brunswick, res. 38 Hamilton.
Rhodes, Robert, brakeman Penn Co., rooms 70 Murray.
Rhodes, Wm. waiter The Wayne Hotel, boards 292 E. Wayne.
Ridley, Daniel, whitewasher, res. 145 Erie.
Ridley, John, barber 176 Broadway, res. 232 W. Washington.
Robinson, Samuel, porter N. G. Olds & Sons, res. 23 Melita.
Sargent, John H., porter Bass Foundry & Machine Works, res. 33 Grand.
Saunders, Joseph, waiter The Wayne Hotel, rooms 67 W. Superior.
Smith, James, cook Rich's Hotel, res. 227 W. Washington.
Stewart, Wm., res. 11 Lafayette.
Stillgus, James D., cook, res. 52 Hamilton.
Thornton, Edward, brakeman Penn Co., rooms 70 Murray.
Turman, Furney, porter, res. 63 Grand.
Warfield, Wm., waiter The Wayne Hotel, rooms 67 W. Superior.
Waters, David, laborer G. P. Barnum, rooms 91 E. Columbia.
Williams, Edward, waiter The Wayne Hotel, rooms 65 W. Superior.
Williams, Thomas G., waiter The Wayne Hotel, rooms 27 Clinton.
Winslow, Gerney, barber J. Ridley, boards 232 W. Washington.
Young, Ransom H., brakeman, res. 72 Murray.

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1890-91 Fort Wayne City and Allen County Directory
The following was abstracted from Fort Wayne and Allen County Directory, 1890-91. Detroit, MI: R. L. Polk & Company, Publishers WPA, 1891. ACPL Call Number: GC 977.202 F77p

Name, occupation, place of residence. All entries are listed as "colored."

Adams, Mrs. Louisa, boards 22 W. Lewis.
Anderson, Essie, waiter Randall Hotel.
Anderson, John N., laborer, res. 31 Pearl.
Artis, James, laborer, res. 7 Dwenger.
Bass, Alfred, barber 32 E. Columbia, res. north side E. Wayne one east of Hanover.
Bass, Henry, works Indiana School Feeble-Minded Youth, res. 100 E. Columbia.
Bass, Matison, works Indiana School Feeble-Minded Youth.
Black, Edward, porter J. W. Bell, res. Bloomingdale.
Bradshaw, Samuel, porter S. G. Hubbard, boards 145 E. Erie.
Bradshaw, Wm., porter S. G. Hubbard, boards 61 Gardner.
Brooks, Bryant, barber 48 E. Columbia, res. same.
Brown, John W., cook Aveline House, res. 31 Grand.
Brookshire, Isaac, brakeman Penn Co., boards 19 Grand.
Brown, Rev. Wm. H., res. northwest corner Ohio and Eliza.
Bund, Joseph, waiter, rooms 67 W. Superior.
Chriss, Edward, boards 227 W. Washington.
Clay, Jacob, teamster, res. 3 Dwenger Ave.
Dean, Charles, laborer Peters Box & Lumber Co., res. 10 Barthold.
Dickerson, Andrew F., porter Ft. Wayne Newspaper Union, boards 33 W. Lewis.
Elliott, Enoch W., engineer Peters Box & Lumber Co., res. 153 High.
Fears, Henry B., laborer, res. 29 Pearl.
Fletcher, J. Thomas, brakeman Penn Co., rooms 72 Murray.
Gales, Simon, whitewasher, res. 48 E. Columbia.
Gardner, James, barber, res. 32 E. Columbia.
Green, Flora B., boards 232 Lafayette.
Green, Noah, res. 232 Lafayette.
Harrison, John, works Indiana School for Feeble-Minded Youth.
Henderson, Wm., laborer, boards 31 Pearl.
Johnson, Frank, barber Gerney Winslow, boards 68 Chicago.
Jones, Charles, laborer Bass Foundry, boards 31 Pearl.
Jones, Ivins E., porter Hotel Randall, boards 205 Calhoun.
Jones, Wilbur, core maker Bass Foundry, boards 31 Pearl.
Jones, William S., barber J. H. Roberts, rooms 31 Pearl.
Kennedy, Wm., waiter, rooms 227 W. Washington.
Key, John, porter Hotel Randall.
Lacklin, Charles L., cook, boards 169 Harrison.
Latham, Edward, cook McKinnie House.
Lee, Wm., waiter, rooms 67 W. Superior.
Manley, Asa, laborer, res. 5 Glasgow Ave.
Matthews, John, laborer, res. 33 W. Lewis.
Meads, Zachariah, brakeman Penn Co., res. 292 E. Wayne.
Montgomery, Edward, driver Renner, Cratsley & Co., res. west side Hoffman.
Moten, Moses, engineer Kerr-Murray Mnfg. Co., res. 70 Murray.
Parker, Charles, night watchman Ryan Bros., boards with Jacob Clay.
Peters, Jerome, barber corner Columbia and Barr.
Rains, Charles, waiter Aldine Hotel, rooms 65 Baker.
Rains, Solomon, cook Aldine Hotel, res. 65 Baker.
Rains, Rhoda, boards 65 Baker.
Revels, Rev. John, boards 145 Erie.
Rhodes, Chapman, brakeman Penn Co., boards 292 E. Wayne.
Rhodes, Charles, boards 292 E. Wayne.
Rhodes, Robert B., brakeman Penn Co., rooms 70 Murray.
Rhodes, Wm., boards 292 E. Wayne.
Ridley, Daniel, whitewasher, res. 145 Erie.
Ridley, John, barber Gerney Winslow, boards 68 Chicago.
Ridley, Wm., paperhanger, boards 68 Chicago.
Roberts, Joseph H., barber 205 Calhoun, res. same.
Roberts, Mary, widow of Wm., boards 205 Calhoun.
Sargent, John, porter, res. 33 Grand.
Saunders, Joseph, waiter, rooms 67 W. Superior.
Smith, James, barber Jerome Peters, rooms corner Columbia and Barr.
Smith, James, cook Rich's Hotel, res. 227 W. Washington.
Steps, Walter, waiter Hotel Randall.
Stewart, Joseph H., laborer Bass Foundry, res. 61 Garden.
Stillgus, James D., cook, res. 68 Murray.
Taylor, Alonzo R., restaurant 62 E. Columbia, res. same.
Taylor, John W., barber J. H. Roberts, res. 203 Calhoun.
Turman, Furney, waiter, res. south side Hayden between Ohio and Chute.
Wallace, Henry H., waiter, rooms 67 W. Superior.
Whitfield, Robert H., barber 37 E. Columbia, res. same.
Williams, Thomas, waiter, rooms 227 W. Washington.
Winslow, Gerney, barber 176 Broadway, res. 68 Chicago.
Young, Jennie, domestic, 332 W. Jefferson.
Young, Ransom H., brakeman, res. 72 Murray.

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1910 Fort Wayne City Directory
Abstracted from 1910 Fort Wayne City Directory, Pt. 1 & 2, R. L. Polk & Co., ACPL call number 977.202 F77p. All individuals listed as "colored" were extracted for compilation. Information includes address and occupation. A total of 326 names were found.

Abbott, Alonzo, Hod carrier, home 3303 Lafayette
Abbott, James, Coachman, 915 Francis
Abbott, Louis F., Laborer, Bass F & M Co., boards 523 Hough
Adams, Blanch, Stewardess, Wayne Hotel, none
Alsup, John, Chauffeur, MacDougal, home 235 Grand
Alsup, John, Elevator man, Rurode, boards 235 Grand
Archer, Fred, Waiter, The Anthony, boards 207 Grand
Artis, Mary (wid George), none, boards 424 Boltz
Artis, Susan (wid James), none, home 811 E. Washington
Artis, Toliver, Hod carrier, boards 424 Boltz
Artis, Wm., Porter, Wayne Hotel, Res. 207 Pearl
Ashton, L., Waiter, The Anthony, boards 1328 Spy Run
Ball, Daniel, Laborer, boards 219 Grand
Ball, Howard C., Actor, board 513 Hough
Barmore, Kaphoes, Janitor, J. Rabus, 64 Baltes
Barton, Lawrence, Dishwasher, Wayne Hotel, none
Bassett, Elias, Cook, home 1010 Eliza
Beatty, Arthur, Waiter, The Anthony, Res. 1328 Spy Run
Bell, Alfred, none, boards 1513 Fairfield
Bell, Jesse, Laborer, home 1513 Fairfield
Bell, John, Laborer, boards 329 Melita
Berry, Lulu, Cook, Res. 490 Brooklyn
Bizzell, George, Coach cleaner on Railroad, home 46 Baltes
Black, John A., Porter on Railroad, Res. 806 E. Wayne
Blank, Louise, none, boards 464 Helen
Blank, Nathan, Helper, Bass F & M Co., home 464 Helen
Blank, Robert, Laborer, home 3531 Piqua
Blanks, Stella, Boarding, home 219 Grand
Blanks, Thomas, Laborer, Bass F & M Co., home Lafayette south of Rudisill
Bonds, Wm., Yardman, City Fuel Co., home 1322 Ohio
Bowe, Henry, Cook, Wayne Hotel, none
Boyd, John W., Cook, Wayne Hotel, boards 1604 Kansas
Boyer, Bert, Laborer, boards 1602 Union
Boyer, Clarence, Laborer, boards 1602 Union
Boyer, Edward C., Laborer, home 1602 Union
Boyer, Lena, Cook, J. A. Reilly, boards 1602 Union
Boyer, Stella, Cook, J. A. Reilly, home 1602 Union
Braboy, Otis B., Mail Clerk, Wabash RR, boards 1705 Koch
Bradshaw, Canlzata (wid Jerry), none, home 670 Huffman
Bradshaw, Clata, none, boards 670 Huffman
Bradshaw, Frank H., Attd. Fischer's Bath House, home 1715 E. Wayne
Bradshaw, Samuel H., Janitor, G. T. Pidgeon Co., home 913 Francis
Brewer, M., Baker, Wayne Hotel, none
Brookins, Charlotta (wid Emanuel), none, boards 131 Grand
Brown, Edward W. L., Plainer, Noble Hoop Co., boards 819 Canal
Brown, Frank W., Janitor, Ft. Wayne News, home 819 Canal
Brown, John, Driver, Brown Tkg. Co., home 230 Pearl
Brown, Lydia (wid Rev. Wm. H.), none, home 1237 Eliza
Bryant, Josephine, Laundress, Res. 490 Brooklyn
Burdin, George W., Attd. Fischer's Bath House, home 60 Wagner
Burdin, Orpha, Waitress, Sunrise Café, boards 2610 Savanah
Burnett, David W., Stone cutter, home 2610 Savanah
Burton, George, Attd. Fischer's Bath House, boards 60 Wagner
Butts, Wm., Porter, A. B. Jackson, home 615 Sturgis
Callicott, Eugene, Janitor, K. M. Mfg. Co., home 213 Grand
Callicott, Lena, Charwoman, boards 213 Grand
Cannon, Mrs. Marcia, Cook, home 811 E. Washington
Carson, Lizzie, none, boards 836 Madison
Carter, Anna, Laundress, Res. 490 Brooklyn
Carter, Edward, Coachman, home 818 Webster
Carter, James, Porter, C. C. shelton, boards 508 W. Wayne
Casin, Archie, Porter, Wayne Hotel, Res. Same
Celestine, F., Waiter, The Anthony, boards 207 Grand
Chandler, James H., Drayman, home 325 Grand
Clark, Charles, Porter, The Anthony, Res. 1314 Lafayette
Cook, Edward, Hostler, Al Martin, boards 436 E. Columbia
Cook, Gladys (wid John), none, home 70 Baltes
Cook, Robert, Teamster, Hicks & Miller, home 436 E. Columbia
Coon, Jesse, Porter, The Anthony, Res. 1901 Pine
Cotton, Oscar F., Porter, Bass F & M Co., home 429 Holman
Creath, Samuel, Porter, Baltes Hotel, boards Grand
Crismon, Frank, Waiter, The Anthony, Res. 502 W. Wayne
Cross, Cyrus, Porter, Wayne Barber Shop, boards 219 Melita
Culpher, Susan, none, boards 313 Grand
Cummings, Nellie, Boarding House, home 1326 Lafayette
Curry, Charles, Bartender, M. Curry, boards 1314 Lafayette
Curry, Foster, none, boards 205 Grand
Curry, Herman, Bartender, M. M. Curry, boards 2023 Lafayette
Curry, Manuel M., Saloon, 1314 Lafayette, home 2023 Lafayette
Curry, Mrs. Veda M., Hair dressing, 924 Calhoun, home 219 Melita
Daniels, Joseph, Laborer, boards 219 Grand
Davis, Agnes, none, boards 18 Maiden Lane
Davis, August, Waiter, Wayne Hotel, home 207 Pearl
Davis, Hannah, Domestic, boards 97 Pearl
Davis, James, Waiter, The Anthony, Res. 1010 Harrison
Davis, James E., Head Waiter, Comm. Club, home 502 W. Wayne
Davis, Joseph A., Waiter, The Anthony, boards 1217 Calhoun
Davis, Major, Waiter, The Anthony, Res. 716 Harrison
Davis, Mary, Domestic, 427 E. Main
Davis, Maude, Laundress, home 349 Melita
Davis, Susan, none, boards 524 Ewing
Davis, Wm., Cook, Southern Café, boards 1323 Calhoun
Dean, Fred, Bellboy, The Anthony, Res. 207 W. Main
Dean, Martha, none, Res. 1217 Calhoun
Dews, Joseph, Hostler, H. Tapp, home 336 Melita
Dickerson, Andrew F., Ship clerk, C N U, home 1210 Erie
Dickerson, Emery F., Porter, H. Monroe, boards 1210 Erie
Dickerson, Louise, none, boards 223 Melita
Dickerson, Roy, Errand boy, Singmaster, boards 1210 Erie
Dickerson, Sarah A. (wid Andrew), none, home 223 Melita
Dismuke, John, Laborer, boards 356 Melita
Dupee, James L., Laborer, home 209 Grand
Dupee, Mrs. Laura, Dressmaker, home 209 Grand
Durham, T., Waiter, The Anthony, boards 1012 Melita
Edwards, Ivo W., Elevator man, Rurode, boards 225 Melita
Edwards, Mattie (wid George), none, home 225 Melita
Edwards, Ocie, none, boards 225 Melita
Elliott, Adah, Student, boards 733 High
Ellis, Harry, Porter, W. M. McKay, boards 219 Grand
Estes, Lester, Butler, The Baltes, Res. 1217 Calhoun
Ferguson, James F., Cook, home 923 W. Wayne
Finley, Benjamin C., Mason tender, home 205 Grand
Finley, Charles H., Mason tender, home 1232 Hayden
Finley, Mary (wid Samuel), none, boards 1232 Hayden
Finley, Samuel J., Porter, W. G. Overdear, boards 357 Melita
Finley, Thomas F., Barber, home 357 Melita
Fisher, Archie, Waiter, Wayne Hotel, Res. 502 W. Wayne
Fisher, N. A., Waiter, Wayne Hotel, none
Fleming, John, Shearer, Rolling Mill, home 1328 Zollars
Foster, E. Duff, Waiter, The Comm. Club, home 523 Hough
Fox, Benjamin B., Waiter, Wayne Hotel, Res. 490 Brooklyn
Fox, Homer, Waiter, The Anthony, boards 913 Francis
Franklin, Anna J., none, home 504 W. Wayne
Franklin, Nanna, Matron, Temple Theatre, boards 504 W. Wayne
Gaines, Allen, Driver, boards cor Tons & Zollinger
Gaines, George, Driver, White Fruit House, boards cor Tons & Zollinger
Gaines, Jesse, Janitor, Perfection Biscuit, home 703 Clay
Gaines, Wilburt, Engineer, The Anthony, boards cor Tons & Zollinger
Gillem, George, Porter, boards 356 Melita
Gilmore, Laura, Domestic, 230 W. Wayne
Goggin, Mamie E., none, Res. 504 W. Wayne
Graham, Thomas B., Janitor, Bank Block, home 316 Bank Block
Green, John, Calciminer, home 215 Grand
Green, John, Waiter, Wayne Club, boards 353 Melita
Greene, Oliver, Helper, Hicks & Miller, boards 427 Melita
Greene, Pearl, Domestic, 721 W. Wayne
Greene, Scott E., Bootblack, Reed Shoe Co., boards 1602 Union
Hall, Frankie E., Boarding House, home 134 Brooklyn
Hall, Lyman, Porter, H. E. McClaren, boards 1223 Calhoun
Hamilton, George, Laborer, Rolf Coal & Supply, home 1710 Fairfield
Hammond, Alexander A., Cook, W. H. Goodfellow, home 1405 Erie
Harris, Albert, Waiter, The Anthony, Res. 221 Grand
Harris, Arthur L., Waiter, Elks Club, boards 450 Montgomery
Harris, Josie, none, boards 1513 Fairfield
Harris, Omar, Porter, Anthony Hotel, boards 1210 Erie
Hauser, Albert, Porter, Wabash RR, boards 104 Brooklyn
Hawes, Eva (wid Frank W.), none, boards 207 Grand
Hawkins, John, Waiter, The Anthony, Res. 1328 Spy Run
Herbert, Charles, Waiter, The Anthony, Res. 1328 Spy Run
Highwarden, Gilbert, Laborer, boards 313 Grand
Highwarden, John S., Driver, Brown Tkg Co., home 18 Maiden Lane
Holloway, Elliott, Porter, Res. 1217 Calhoun
Hubbard, Henry, Waiter, Comm. Club, home 450 Montgomery
Hunter, Charles, Waiter, Wayne Hotel, Res. 207 Pearl
Jackson, Rhonda, Domestic, 813 W. Berry
Jamison, Henry, Helper, S. Bash & Co., home 1212 3rd
Jenkins, Ada, Laundress, home 344 Melita
Johnson, Harriet (wid Alfred), none, home NW cor Charlotte & Kentucky
Johnson, Henry, Porter, Gaiety Theatre, Res. 490 Brooklyn
Johnson, John H., Southern Café, boards 320 Murray
Johnson, John, Porter, Gaiety Theatre, home 490 Brooklyn
Johnson, Lina B., none, boards NW cor Charlotte & Kentucky
Jones, Edward J., Janitor, GR & I RR, home 1229 Hayden
Jones, Eliza (wid Benjamin), none, home 2608 Savannah
Jones, Frederick, Porter, home 340 Melita
Jones, Hazel, none, boards 2027 Lafayette
Jones, M., Laborer, Bass F & M Co., boards 523 Hough
Jones, Samuel P., Student, boards 1229 Hayden
Jones, Mrs. Viola, Milliner, F. Malloy, home 811 E. Washington
Jones, Wilbur, none, home 2027 Lafayette
Jones, Wm., Helper, Wayne Pressin Club, boards 3303 Lafayette
Jones, Wm., Janitor, home Lafayette, 1 mile south of limits
Knox, George H., Molder, home 631 Huffman
Lacklin, Charles L., Cook, home 211 E. Leith
Lair, Estelle, Hair Dresser, V. Curry, boards 2023 Lafayette
Lamb, Mrs. Beatrice, none, boards 2642 Fox
LaVerne, Leon, Minister, home 523 Hough
Lewis, Susie, Chiropodist, home 217 W. Washington
Lilley, Walter, Driver, Hicks & Miller, home 217 Duck
Linard, Ada B., Domestic, 909 W. Main
McCulley, Bettie (Wid Clinton), none, boards 60 Wagner
McElroy, Charles, Expressman, boards NW cor Charlotte & Kentucky
McElroy, Mrs. Charles, Rooming House, 127 Calhoun
Mathews, Ida B., none, boards 806 E. Wayne
Mathews, Jackson, Janitor, Randall Auto Co., home 806 E. Wayne
Maxwell, David W., Waiter, Elks Club, boards 205 Grand
Merrell, George, Coachman, home 416 W. Creighton
Miles, John, Laborer, H. Syphers, boards 1513 Fairfield
Miles, Morton, Porter, boards 811 E. Washington
Miles, Silas, Porter, home 733 High
Mitchell, Wm., Hod carrier, boards 2027 Lafayette
Moore, August, Porter, E. M. Dillon, home 915 Francis
Moore, Charles, Laborer @1509 Calhoun, boards 1927 John
Moore, Gust, Grader, home 915 Francis
Moore, Irey, Elevator boy, The Anthony, boards 811 E. Wayne
Moore, James, Laborer, Bass F & M Co., home 1927 John
Moore, Kitty, Chef, Paris Café, boards 1927 John
Moore, Mamie, Laundress, Res. 490 Brooklyn
Moore, Ora, Waiter, boards 1927 John
Moore, Reed, Cook, home 223 Grand
Morton, Beatrice, Chiropodist, V. Curry, boards 2642 Fox
Morton, Clarence S., Porter, Geo. Streicher, home 2642 Fox
Morton, Mary, Domestic, 134 Brooklyn
Moten, Amanda (wid Moses), none, home 424 Boltz
Moten, John, Porter, Penn Co., home 430 Boltz
Mourning, Elmer, Attd. Fischer's Bath House, boards 72 Baltes
Mourning, John E., Chef, Sunrise Café, boards 1225 Calhoun
Mourning, Mrs. Lizzie, none, home 72 Baltes
Murrell, John H., Clerk, J. H. Cole, home 416 W. Creighton
Nelson, Leroy, Laborer, Penn Lines Hotel, boards 356 Melita
Nesbitt, Thomas R., Attd. Fischer's Bath House, home 1219 E. Wayne
O'Rare, Jesse, Janitor, M. Curry, home 1312 Lafayette
Page, Harrison, Laborer, boards 219 Grand
Page, Lillian, Domestic, 817 W. Berry
Page, Michael, Cook, The Anthony, boards 215 Grand
Parent, Robert, Cement Worker, home 1029 Pape
Parrant, Robert, Porter, Elks Club, home 1029 Pape
Paxton, Howard, Tailor, Wayne Pressing Co., Res. 31 Schmitz Block
Peters, Claud, Bellboy, The Anthony, boards 1210 Maumee
Peters, Clifford, Porter, Fischer Bath House, boards 326 Murray
Peters, Ella, none, boards 326 Murray
Peters, Ethel, none, boards 326 Murray
Peters, Guy, none, boards 326 Murray
Peters, James, Bellman, Anthony Hotel, home 1210 Maumee
Peters, Jerome, Barber, home 326 Murray
Peters, Simon J. R., Barber, 1305 Calhoun, home 326 Murray
Pettiford, Rev. Louis, Pastor, AME Church, home 805 E. Wayne
Pinkney, Wm. S., Laborer, boards 1604 Kansas
Powell, Wm., Waiter, The Anthony, boards 136 Murray
Price, Henderson, Driver, Brown Tkg Co., boards 811 E. Washington
Proctor, Anna, Domestic, 1111 Clinton, boards 811 E. Wayne
Proctor, Wm. C., Janitor, White Fruit House, boards 205 Grand
Ramsey, Louisa (wid James), none, home 219 Melita
Ramsey, Pearl V., none, boards 219 Melita
Redman, A. R., Waiter, The Anthony, Res. 1328 Spy Run
Reed, Wm., Porter, E. F. Heine, boards 213 Duck
Rhodes, Hannah (wid Chapman), none, home 826 E. Wayne
Rhodes, Luretta, Student, boards 826 E. Wayne
Ridley, Daniel, none, boards 340 Melita
Ridley, Isadora (wid John H.), none, home 504 W. Wayne
Ridley, John E., Elevator Operator, Bass Blk, home 807 E. Wayne
Ridley, Martha (wid Tony), none, home 811 E. Wayne
Ridley, Oscar D., Porter, Transfer Bar, home 713 Canal
Riley, John B., Bellboy, The Anthony, boards 352 Melita
Robinson, Jay M., Porter, Baltes Buffet, home 217 Duck
Robinson, Mary A. (wid James), none, home 523 Hough
Russell, Alton G., barber, 1310 Montgomery
Scott, Frank, Laborer, home 490 Brooklyn
Scott, John, Checkroom, The Anthony, boards 490 Brooklyn
Scott, Wm., Laborer, home 64 Blates
Scrugs, Horace, Driver, Rolf Coal & Supply, boards 1710 Fairfield
Seymour, Otis, Dishwasher, Wayne Hotel,
Smith, Carrie, Domestic, boards 2445 Fairfield
Smith, Charles, Paver, Barber Asphalt Co., home 221 Melita
Smith, James C., Cook, home 1705 Koch
Smith, John H., Porter, C. F. Henker, boards 340 Melita
Smith, Mamie, Cook, J. A. Reilly, home 246 Grand
Smith, Wm., Barber, boards 219 Grand
Smith, Wm. H., Clerk, P. O., home 1313 Lafayette
Spriggs, Mary (wid Jerry), , home 131 Grand
Stern, Henry, Whitewasher, home 2143 Miner
Steward, Theodore, Bar Porter, Wayne Hotel, boards same
Stewart, James, Chef, Wayne Hotel, home 1147 W. Main
Stillgus, Lydia J. (wid James D.), , home 217 Melita
Stockard, Rachel (wid Wm.), , home 836 Madison
Stocker, Margaret, Domestic, boards 349 Melita
Storms, Cora (wid Wm.), Hairdresser, home 1223 Calhoun
Storms, Wm., Waiter, The Anthony, home 708 Barr
Talbot, Louis C., Porter, J. L. Guillot, boards 1237 Hayden
Talbot, Mattie (wid Louis), , home 1237 Hayden
Talbot, Theodore, Porter, Frank D. G. Co., boards 1237 Hayden
Tandy, Edward, Waiter, Wayne Club, boards 326 Murray
Taylor, Banks, Manager, Colored Workingmen's Club, boards 205 Grand
Taylor, Ollie B. (wid Robert G.), , home 207 Grand
Thomas, Cleo, Domestic, boards 344 Melita
Thompson, Grant, Porter, boards 207 W. Wayne
Thompson, Isaac J., Porter, Alt Heidelberg, home 330 Murray
Thornton, L., Waiter, The Anthony, Res. 1328 Spy Run
Toomey, Rev. Mathew, Pastor, Colored Baptist church, boards 235 Grand
Townsend, Raymond, Porter, The Anthony, boards 353 Melita
Turner, Elmer, Porter, boards 215 Melita
Turner, Harry, Elevator man, Rurode, boards 215 Melita
Turner, Wm., Cement Worker, home 215 Melita
Valentine, Perry, Janitor, W. Gas Con. Co., home 519 Hough
Venable, John H., Coachman, 1031 W. Berry
Venable, Viola (wid Jacob), , home 221 Grand
Vena, Andrew, Laborer, Imp Hoop Co., boards 811 E. Wayne
Walker, John, Laborer, home 524 Ewing
Wallace, Sadie (wid Daniel M.), , home 1207 Hayden
Walten, W. E., Laborer, boards 1604 Kansas
Walters, Carolina (wid E. P.), , home 1604 Kansas
Walters, Charles U., none, home 329 Grand
Walters, Edward, Bell Boy, The Anthony, boards 1604 Kansas
Walters, Hazel C., Laundress, boards 1604 Kansas
Walters, Mark, Waiter, Wayne Club, home 1604 Kansas
Walters, Mrs. Rebecca, Laundress, home 329 Grand
Ward, Bert, Waiter, The Anthony, boards 670 Huffman
Warfield, Charles, Waiter, The Anthony, Res. 1328 Spy Run
Warfield, Henry, Mason tender, home 356 Melita
Warfield, Wm. E., Janitor, Swinney Block, home 450 Montgomery
Watson, Mrs. Rosa, Domestic, 930 W. Berry
Weaver, John, Laborer, boards 915 Francis
White, Nina, Domestic, boards Chicago
White, Roy, Porter, The Anthony, Res. 1217 Calhoun
Williams, Ada, Maid, Majestic Theatre, boards 349 Melita
Williams, Arthur, Chauffeur, boards 219 W. Wayne
Williams, George E., Laborer, Penn Lines Hotel, home 313 Grand
Williams, George G., Truckman, boards 703 Clay
Williams, Jennie, , boards 330 Murray
Williams, John H., Porter, Elks Temple, home 723 E. Wayne
Williams, Leroy, Waiter, The Anthony, boards 450 Montgomery
Williams, Thomas G., Cook, Penn Co., home 1313 Barr
Wilson, Mrs. Lee, Domestic, boards 344 Melita
Wilson, Louis, Cook, Wayne Hotel, boards 1147 W. Main
Wilson, Louis, Cook, P. I. Stahl, home 353 Melita
Wilson, Oliver, Coachman, D. N. Foster, boards 2336 Fairfield
Wilson, Mrs. Oliver, Domestic, boards 2336 Fairfield
Winburn, David M., Teamster, home 1833 Franklin
Winburn, George C., Coachman, boards 1640 Spy Run
Winburn, Willard C., Driver, boards 1833 Franklin
Woody, Maria, Cook, W. Royal, boards 1604 Kansas
Wright, Hattie, Helper, Wayne Hotel,
Wright, James W., Proprietor, Sunrise Café, home 136 Murray
Wright, J. P., Baggage master, Penn Co., Res. 209 Grand
Young, Charles M., Waiter, The Anthony, home 1323 Calhoun
Young, Ransom H., Southern Café, home 320 Murray


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