African American Gateway
The Genealogy Center >> African American Gateway >> Subjects
Bell Wilkes Biography (Giles County, TN slave narrative)
Born a Slave (slave narratives)
Excerpts from Slave Narratives
Introduction to the WPA Slave Narratives
Memories of Slavery: Recollections of Lives of Slavery and Emancipation
Narratives in the Slave Narrative Collection by State
North American Slave Narratives
Oklahoma Slave Narratives Index
Paradox of Liberty: Slavery at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello
Slave Name Roll
Slave Narrative of Aunt Adeline (AR, TN)
Slave Narrative of James (Jim) Davis
Slave Narrative of Maria S. Clemments (Clements) (AR, GA, TN, VA)
Slave Narrative Project, Indiana
Slave Narratives and Protest Pamphlets
Slave narratives available on SU John B. Cade Library’s website (Southern Univ. Prof. John B. Cade Sr. and a group of his students traveled throughout the South in the 1930s to interview former slaves.)
Slave Narratives from Slavery to the Great Depression
Slave Narratives Guides (Newberry Library)
Slave Stories of Cass County (Missouri)
Texas Slave Narrative
Third Person, First Person: Slave Voices from The Special Collections Library
Unchained Memories of Slavery
WPA Slave Narratives
WPA Slave Narratives Connected to Beaufort County (SC)
Andrews, William L. Slavery and Class in the American South: A Generation of Slave Narrative Testimony, 1840-1865. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. 389p. Appendix. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 An261s/
Andrews, William L. and Henry Louis Gates, Jr., eds. The Civitas Anthology of African American Slave Narratives. Washington, DC: Civitas/Counterpoint, 1999. 642p. Appendix. /GC 973.068 C499/
Ashton, Susanna, ed. I Belong to South Carolina: South Carolina Slave Narratives. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2010. 317p. Index. Notes. /GC 979.7 Ib3/
Baepler, Paul. White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. 310p. Appendix. Illustrations. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 W582b/
Bailey, Anne C. African Voices of the Atlantic Slave Trade: Beyond the Silence and the Shame. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2005. 289p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 B151av/
Berlin, Ira et al. Remembering Slavery: African Americans Talk About Their Personal Experiences of Slavery and Emancipation. New York: The New Press, 1996. 359p. Appendices. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 R282b/
Bland, Sterling Lecater, Jr. Voices of Fugitives: Runaway Slave Stories and Their Fictions of Self-Creation. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2000. 185p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973 B61v/
Blassingame, John W., ed. Slave Testimony: Two Centuries of Letters, Speeches, Interviews, and Autobiographies. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1977. 777p. Illustrations. Index. Photographs. /GC 973 Sl1/
Blight, David W. A Slave No More: Two Men Who Escaped to Freedom, Including Their Own Narratives of Emancipation. Orlando, FL: Harcourt, Inc., 2007. 307p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 B618s
Carbado, Devon W. and Donald Weise. . The Long Walk to Freedom. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2012. 248p. Bibliography. Illustrations. /GC 973.068 C177L/
Connor, Kimberly Rae. Imagining Grace: Liberating Theologies in the Slave Narrative Tradition. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2000. 311p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 C762i/
Connor, Kimberly Rae. . Imaging Grace: Liberating Theologies in the Slave Narrative Tradition. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2000. 311p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. /GC 976.068 C762i/
Cottrol, Robert J. From African to Yankee: Narratives of Slavery and Freedom in Antebellum New England. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. 222p. Bibliography. Index. /GC 974 F925/
Davis, Charles T. and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The Slave's Narrative. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. 342p. Bibliography. Index. /GC 973 SL16/
Drew, Benjamin. Refugees from Slavery: Autobiographies of Fugitive Slaves in Canada. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2004. 272p. Notes. /GC 973.068 R259/
Dusinberre, William. Strategies for Survival: Recollections of Bondage in Antebellum Virginia. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2009. 251p. Index. Notes. Appendix. /GC 975.5 D945s/
Ernest, John, ed. The Oxford Handbook of the African American Slave Narrative. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. 472p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. Sources. /GC 973.068 Ox22e/
Escott, Paul D. Slavery Remembered: A Record of Twentieth-Century Slave Narratives. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1979. 221p. Appendices, Bibliography. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 Es192sL/
Federal Writers' Project. Maryland Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in Maryland from Interviews with Former Slaves. Bedford, MA: Applewood Books, 2006. 78p. /GC 975.2 M36fe/
Feldstein, Stanley. Once a Slave: The Slaves' View of Slavery. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1971. 329p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 F334on/
Fisch, Audrey A., ed. The Cambridge Companion to the African American Slave Narrative. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 266p. Index. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 C144/
Fleischner, Jennifer. Mastering Slavery: Memory, Family and Identity in Women's Slave Narratives. New York: New York University Press, 1996. 232p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973 F619m/
Foster, Frances Smith. Witnessing Slavery: The Development of Ante-bellum Slave Narratives. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1979. 194p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 975 F812w/
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. and William L. Andrews. Pioneers of the Black Atlantic: Five Slave Narratives from the Enlightenment, 1772-1815. Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 1998. 439p. Illustrations. /GC 973.068 P659g/
Goodwin, Ronald E. Remembering the Days of Sorrow: The WPA and the Texas Slave Narratives. Buffalo Gap, TX: Sate House Press, 2013. 174p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 976.4 G63r/
Govenar, Alan. African American Frontiers: Slave Narratives and Oral Histories. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2000. 551p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Photographs. /GC 973 G746af/
Green, Keith Michael. Bound to Respect: Antebellum Narratives of Black Imprisonment, Servitude, and Bondage, 1816-1861. Tuscaloosa, AL: The University of Alabama Press, 2015. 211p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 G82bo/
Greene, Sandra E. West African Narratives of Slavery: Texts from Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Ghana. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2011. 280p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 966.7 G83w/
Howell, Donna Wyant. I Was a Slave: True Life Stories Told by Former American Slaves in the 1930s. Washington, DC: American Legacy Books, 1995. 52p. Photographs. /GC 973.068 H831, V.1/
Indiana Narratives. Washington, DC: Works Progress Administration, n.d. 217p. /GC 977.2 IN255/
Innes, C. L., ed. Slave Life in Virginia and Kentucky: A Narrative by Francis Fedric, Escaped Slave. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2010. 124p. Index. Bibliography. Appendix. Notes. Appendices. /GC 975.5 F872sl/
Jacobs, Harriet. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. 257p. Appendices. Notes. /GC 973.068 J15in/
Katz, William Loren, ed. Five Slave Narratives: A Compendium. New York: Arno Press & The New York Times, 1968. Various pagination. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 973.068 F586ka/
Kissick, Sandra Yoviene. The Theme of Exodus Verses Permanence in the South in Negro Autobiographies Published Between 1900 and 1915. Ann Arbor, MI: S. Y. Kissick, 1972. 214p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 K643th/
Let Them Speak, Slave Narratives: Arkansas, Volume 1 - 4, A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves. Russellville, AR: Markham Press, 2010-11. 4 volumes. /GC 976.7 L56g V. 1-2 & 3-4/
Lozano-Jackson, Norma. The Heroic Voice in Black Slave Narratives and Its Reconstruction of the Black Slave Community: Talking About, to, and Through Whiteness. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers, 2001. 254p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 L959H/
McCarthy, B. Eugene and Thomas L. Doughton, eds. From Bondage to Belonging: The Worcester Slave Narratives. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2007. 325p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 974.402 W89mc/
McKivigan, John R., ed. The Roving Editor, or Talks with Slaves in the Southern States, by James Redpath. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996. 356p. Appendices. Index. Notes. /GC 975 R249r/
Mellon, James, ed. Bullwhip Days: The Slaves Remember, An Oral History. New York: Grove Press, 1988. 460p. Illustrations. Photographs. /GC 973.068 B87me/
Minges, Patrick. Black Indian Slave Narratives. Winston-Salem, NC: John F. Blair, Publisher, 2004. 200p. /GC 973 B5602/
Mitchell, Arthur. What Love Can Do: Recollected Stories of Slavery and Freedom in New Orleans and the Surrounding Area. Bloomington, IN: Balboa Press, 2012. 101p. /GC 976.302 N43mit/
Noh, Jongjin. (Re)Memorying the Past: The Function of Memory in Three Neo-Slave Narratives by Black Women Writers. . Oxford, OH: Miami University, 2004. 215p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 N69re/
Redpath, James. The Roving Editor, or Talks with Slaves in the Southern States. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996. 356p. Bibliography. Index. /GC 975 R249r/
Salafia, Matthew. Slavery's Borderland: Freedom and Bondage Along the Ohio River. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013. 320p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 976.9 Sa31s/
Six Women's Slave Narratives. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. A compilation of previously published works. /GC 973 Si97/
Slave Narratives. New York: Library of America, 2000. 1035p. Notes. Bibliography. /GC 973.068 SL158/
Tanner, Lynette Ater, ed. Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton & Cane Plantations, from Interviews of Former Slaves. Winston-Salem, NC: John f. Blair, Publisher, 2014. 229p. Illustrations. /GC 976.3 C349ta/
Taylor, Yuval, ed. I Was Born a Slave: An Anthology of Classic Slave Narratives, Volume One, 1770-1849. Chicago, IL: Lawrence Hill Books, 1999. 764p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 975 I1 V. 1/
Unchained Memories: Readings from the Slave Narratives. New York: Bulfinch Press, 2002. 160p. Bibliography. Photographs. /GC 973.068 Un15/
Ward, Andrew. The Slave's War: The Civil War in the Words of Former Slaves. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2008. 386p. Bibliography. Directory. Illustrations. Index. Photographs. /GC 973.74 Aa1wao
Yetman, Norman R., ed. Voices from Slavery. NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 19--. 368p. Index. Photographs. /GC 973 Y48v/
Yetman, Norman R., ed. Voices from Slavery: 100 Authentic Slave Narratives. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2000. 398p. Appendices. Indices. Notes. Photographs. /GC 929.11 V87YE/
Young, Mary. "All My Trials, Lord." Selections from Women's Slave Narratives. New York: Franklin Watts, 1995. 112p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973 Y86al/