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Search Results: RELIGION
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Biography of Rev. David Smith of the AME Church - Including History of Wilberforce University (Wilberforce University)
Century of Black Mormons
Church in the Southern Black Community, 1780-1925
Ministry for Black Catholics
Praying Grounds: African American Faith Communities: A Documentary and Oral History
The A. M. E. Church Review. Philadelphia: Publishing House of the African M. E. Church. V. 1, 1884 - V. 2, 1910. /Microfilm/
Aaseng, Nathan. African-American Religious Leaders. New York: Facts on File, 2003. 264p. Index. Bibliography. Photographs. /GC 973.068 Aa77af/
African Methodist Episcopal Church, Indiana Conference, Women's Mite Missionary Society. Women's Mite Missionary Society of the Indiana Conference, African Methodist Episcopal Church Records. S. l.: s. n., [1936.] /GC 977.2 Af837wo/
African-American Baptist Annual Reports, 1865-1990s. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, Inc., 1999. New England area churches and associations. /Microfilm Rolls 57-58/
African-American Baptist Annual Reports, 1865-1990s: Guide to the Scholarly Resources Microfilm Edition. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, Inc., 1999. 45p. /GC 929.102 B22af/
Afro-American Religious History Group of the American Academy of Religion Newsletter. Cambridge, MA: W. E. B. DuBois Institute, Harvard University, 1990-1996. Serial. /GC 973.068 Am349n/
Ahmen-Williams, Efa. St. Peter Claver Catholic Church: Civil Rights Activism and Surviving the Decline of a West Baltimore Community. Baltimore, MD: Morgan State University, 2007. 74p. Bibliography. Notes. Photographs. /GC 975.202 B21aw/
Alexander, Deborah Mazie. Broken Bread and Poured Out Wine: An Ethnographic Interview Study of the Life Stories of African Ancestry Women Pastors. San Francisco, CA: The University of San Francisco, 2002. 122p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 AL261br/
Angell, Stephen W. and Anthony B. Pinn, eds. Social Protest Thought in the African American Episcopal Church, 1862-1939. Knoxville, TN: The University of Tennessee Press, 2000. 357p. Index. Notes. /GC 929.102 Af78an/
Angell, Stephen Ward. Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South. Knoxville, TX: The University of Tennessee Press, 1992. 340p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 929.102 M56an/
Anglican Church Records, Niagara Falls, Coloured Extractions. St. Catharines, Ontario: Niagara Peninsula Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society, 1993. 22p. Illustrations. /GC 971.302 N51an/
Ayorinde, Christine. . Afro-Cuban Religiosity, Revolution, and National Identity. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2004. 283p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Photographs. The History of African-American Religion Series. /GC 973.068 Ay66af/
Bailey, Julius H. Around the Family Altar: Domesticity in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1865-1900. Gainesville, FL: University Press, 2005. 151p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 929.102 Af8bai/
Bailey, Julius Howard. Around the Domestic Alter: Domesticity in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1865-1900. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina, 2003. 218p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 B151ar/
Baldwin, Lewis V. and Amiri YaSin Al-Hadid. Between Cross and Crescent: Christian and Muslim Perspectives on Malcolm and Martin. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2002. 475p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. The History of African-American Religion Series. /GC 973.068 B193be/
Beal, Linda M. African-American Women, Domestic Violence, and the African-American Church: An Exploratory Study of Domestic Violence in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Madison, NJ: Drew University, 2001. 109p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 975.601 W73aa/
Beasley, Nicholas M. Christian Ritual and the Creation of British Slave Societies, 1650-1780. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press, 2009. 223p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 B382c/
Bechler, Le Roy. The Black Mennonite Church in North America, 1886-1986. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2001. 196p. Appendix. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 B38bl/
Becker, Sharon Edwina. Preserving Rural African American Heritage in Hawkins County, Tennessee: A History and Restoration Proposal for Saunders School, Chapel, and Cemetery. Johnson City, TN: East Tennessee State University, 2005. 114p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. Photographs. /GC 976.801 H31be/
Berger, Graenum. Black Jews in America: A Documentary with Commentary. New York, NY: Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, 1978. 218p. Index. /GC 929.102 J55b/
Bergquist, Candace Anne. . The Quakers and Their Influence on the Antislavery Movement, 1815-1867. Dominguez Hills, CA: California State University, 2006. 71p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.5 B45q/
Berry, Leonidas, H. I Wouldn't Take Nothin' for My Journey: Two Centuries of an Afro-American Minister's Family. Chicago, IL" Johnson Publishing Company, 1981. 461p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Photographs. /GC 929.2 B459bL/
Bethel, Leonard L. and Frederick A. Johnson, eds. Plainfield's African-American: From Northern Slavery to Church Freedom. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1998. 153p. Photographs. Index. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 974.902 P69pl/
Biographical Dictionary of Black Lutheran Clergymen. St. Louis, MO: The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, 1978, 25p. Photographs. /GC 929.102 L97bio/
Boddie, Stephanie Clintonia. One More River to Cross: African-American Congregations at the Dawn of a New Millennium. . Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania, 2002. 270p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 B63on/
Bostic, Joy R. Taking Hold of the Clouds: Soul Contemplation and the Afra American Search for Home: A Theological Study of Nineteenth Century Black Women's Mystical Activism. New York: J. R. Bostic, 2006. 201p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 B657ta/
Bragg, George F. History of the Afro-American Group of the Episcopal Church. Baltimore, MD: Church Advocate Press, 1922. 319p. /GC 929.102 Ep4br/
Bringhurst, Newell George. "A Servant of Servants...Cursed as Pertaining to the Priesthood:" Mormon Attitudes toward Slavery and the Black Man, 1830-1880. Davis, CA: N. G. Bringhurst, 1975. Appendices. Bibliography. /GC 929.102 M82br/
Bryant, Joan Louise. Race Debates Among Nineteenth-Century Colored Reformers and Christians. New Haven, CT: J. L. Bryant, 1996. 200p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 B841ra/
Burnley, Lawrence A. Q. Resistance, Control, and the Cost of Unity: The Role of African Americans in the Founding of African American Schools Associated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the South, 1865-1914. Philadelphia, PA: L. A. Q. Burnley, 2006. 267p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 D631bur/
Carey, Brycchan and Geoffrey Plank, eds. Quakers and Abolition. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2014. 264p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 929.102 F91cba/
Carney, Charity R. Ministers and Masters: Methodism, Manhood, and Honor in the Old South. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2011. 188p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 929.102 M56ca/
Catron, John W. . Embracing Protestantism: Black Identities in the Atlantic World. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2016. 302p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 C293em/
Chang, Derek. "Breaking the Shackles of Hierarchy:" Race, Religion, and Evangelical Nationalism in American Baptist Home Missions. Durham, NC: D. Chang, 2002. 408p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 B22ch/
Chenoweth, John M. Simplicity, Equality, and Slavery: An Archaeology of Quakerism in the British Virgin Islands, 1740-1780. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press, 2017. 248p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. Ripley P. Bullen Series. /GC 972.972 C42s/
Clark, Emily Suzanne. A Luminous Brotherhood: Afro-Creole Spiritualism in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2016. 265p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 976.302 N43clb/
Clarke, Erskine. Wrestlin' Jacob: A Portrait of Religion in Antebellum Georgia and the Carolina Low Country. Tuscaloosa, AL: The University of Alabama Press, 2000. 207p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. Religion and American Culture Series. /GC 975.801 L61ce/
Cobbins, Otho B., ed. History of Church of Christ (Holiness) U.S.A., 1895-1965. New York: Vintage Press, 1966. 446p. Photographs. /GC 929.102 C471co/
Cooper, William A. The Attitude of the Society of Friends Towards Slavery. Camden, NJ: Camden County Historical Society, 1929. 16p. /GC 974.901 C14co/
Cornelius, Janet Duitsman. God's Schoolmasters: Southern Evangelists to the Slaves, 1830-1860. Urbana, IL: J. D. Cornelius, 1977. 321p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 975 C81go/
Cornelius, Janet Duitsman. Slave Missions and the Black Church in the Antebellum South. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1999. 305p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 975 C81s/
Crawford, Tim, ed. The Oro African Church: A History of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Edgar, Ontario, Canada. Oro, Ontario: The Township of Oro-Medonte, 1999. 90p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. Photographs. /GC 971.301 Si4cr/
Crenshaw, Reginald Martin. Religious and Educational Communitarianism: Three 19th Century African American Examples. New York: R. M. Crenshaw, 2007. 216p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 C863re/
Cress, Kit Firth. Black Shakers at South Union, Kentuck. KY: K. F. Cres, 1991. 33p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 976.901 L82ck/
Crowther, Edward R. and Keith Harper. Between Fetters and Freedom: African American Baptists Since Emancipation. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2015. 261p. Index. Notes. /GC 929.102 B22cr/
Crowther, Edward Riley. Southern Protestants, Slavery and Secession: A Study in Religious Ideology, 1830-1861. Auburn, AL: E. R. Crowther, 1986. 396p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 C886so/
Curtis, Edward E. IV and Danielle Brune Sigler. The New Black Gods: Arthur Huff Fauset and the Study of African American Religions. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2009. 269p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 N42/
Daly, John P. The Devine Economy: Evangelicalism and the Defense of Slavery, 1830-1865. Houston, TX: J. P. Daly, 1993. 419p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 D176di/
David, Lenwood G. Black-Jewish Relations in the United States, 1752-1984. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1984. 130p. Bibliography. Index. Bibliographies and Indexes in Afro-American and African Studies, Number 1. /GC 973.068 D291bla/
Davis, Cyprian O.S.B. The History of Black Catholics in the United States. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, 1990. 347p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973 D2914h/
Davis, Edwin A. How the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, Texas between 1945-1954 Facilitated the Educational Development of Soldiers Returning from World War II: A Historical Analysis. . Houston, TX: University of Houston, 2004. 148p. Appendices. Bibliography. /GC 976.402 H81da/
Decker, Frank. Brooklyn's Plymouth Church in the Civil War Era: A Ministry of Freedom. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2013. 157p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 974.702 B792de/
Dennard, David C. Religion in the Quarters: A Study of Slave Preachers in the Antebellum South, 1800-1860. Evanston, IL: D. C. Dennard, 1983. 331p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 D418re/
Diner, Hasia R. . In the Promised Land: American Jews and Blacks, 1915-1935. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1977. 271p. Bibliographies. Index. Notes. Contributions in American History Series. /GC 973.068 D61in/
Diouf, Sylviane A. Servants of Allah: African Muslims Enslaved in the Americas. New York: New York University Press, 1998. 254p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 D624se/
Diouf, Sylviane A. Servants of Allah: African Muslims Enslaved in the Americas. New York: New York University Press, 2013. 341p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 D624sea
Douglass-Chin, Richard J. Preacher Woman Sings the Blues: The Autobiographies of Nineteenth-Century African American Evangelists. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 2001. 228p. Bibliography. Index. /GC 929.11 Af815do/
Drake, Richard Bryant. The American Missionary Association and the Southern Negro, 1861-1888. Atlanta, GA: R. B. Drake, 1957. 302p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 973.068 D789am/
Dundas, Steven L. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: Religion and the Politics of Race in the Civil War Era and Beyond. Lincoln, NE: Potomac Books, 2022. 393p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /
Earl, Riggins R., Jr. Dark Symbols, Obscure Signs: God, Self, and Community in the Slave Mind. Knoxville, TN: The University of Tennessee Press, 2003. 226p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 Ea73d/
Einboden, Jeffrey. Jefferson's Muslim Fugitives: The Lost Story of Enslaved Africans, Their Arabic Letters, and an American President. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. 330p. Index. Notes. /GC 976.9 EI62j/
El-Amim, Dawan B. From Mosque Six to Masjid Al Haqq: A History of an African American Muslim Community in Baltimore, Maryland, 1956 to 1996. Baltimore, MD: Morgan State University, 2014. 72p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 975.201 B21eL/
Elliott, Charles. Sinfulness of American Slavery. New York: Negro Universities Press, 1968. 357p. /GC 973.068 EL58si/
Elrod, Eileen Razzari. Piety and Dissent: Race, Gender, and Biblical Rhetoric in Early American Autobiography. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2008. 230p. Index. Bibliography. Notes. Illustrations. /GC 973 EL74pi/
Essig, James David. Break Every Yoke: American Evangelicals Against Slavery, 1770-1808. S.l.: J. D. Essig, 1978. 235p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.4 Es77b/
Fage, J. D. An Atlas of African History. New York: Africana Publishing Company, 1978. 2nd ed. Illustrations. /GC 960 G231at/
Feight, Andrew Lee. The Good and the Just: Slavery and the Development of Evangelical Protestantism in the American South, 1700-1830. Lexington, KY: A. L. Feight, 2001. 492p. Appendix. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 973.068 F324go/
Foley, Albert S. God's Men of Color: The Colored Catholic Priests of the United States, 1859-1954. New York: Arno Press, 1969. 322p. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 F699go/
Fountain, Daniel L. Long on Religion, Short of Christianity: Slave Religion, 1830-1870. University, MS: D. L. Fountain, 1999. 163p. Dissertation. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 F825lo/
Fountain, Daniel L. Slavery, Civil War, and Salvation: African American Slaves and Christianity, 1830-1870. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2010. 159p. Index. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 F825sl/
Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth and Eugene D. Genovese. The Mind of the Master Class: History and Faith in the Southern Slaveholders' Worldview. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. 828p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 F83mi/
Futrell, Samantha. They Came Up Out of the Water: Evangelicalism and Ethiopian Baptists in the Southern Lowcountry and Jamaica, 1737-1806. Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University, 2013. 118p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 929.102 B22fu/
Gales, Melinda D. African-American Baptist Churches in Hanover County, Virginia, 1865-1900. Richmond, VA: Virginia Commonwealth University, 1999. 85p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. Photographs. /GC 975.501 H19gm/
Garrow, David J. Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. New York: William Morrow, 1986., 800p. Index. Bibliography. /GC 973.068 G194be/
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. The Black Church: This is Our Story, This is Our Song. New York: Penguin Press, 2021. 278p. Appendix. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 G223b/
Gentry, Terri Lynne Smith. A Perspective on the History of Religion in Denver's Black Community: A Case Study of Zion Baptist Church and Shorter African Methodist Episcopal Church. Denver, CO: University of Colorado, 2013. 77p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. Photographs. /GC 978.802 D43sm/
Gerbner, Katharine. Christian Slavery: Conversion and Race in the Protestant Atlantic World. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018. 280p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 G313ch/
Giggie, John M. After Redemption: Jim Crow and the Transformation of African American Religion in the Delta, 1875-1915. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. 315p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 G367af/
Gillams, Sheila Hope. Principle and Practice: The Quandary of African American Restorationists in the History and Theology of the Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, 1850-1950. New York: S. H. Gillams, 2002. 360p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 D631gi/
Glazier, Stephen D. Encyclopedia of African and African-American Religions. New York: Routledge, 2001. 452p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Maps. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973 Af838enc/
Goetz, Rebecca Anne. From Potential Christians to Hereditary Heathens: Religion and Race in the Early Chesapeake, 1590-1740. Cambridge, MA: R. A. Goetz, 2006. 285p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 975 G555fr/
Goode, Gloria Davis. Preachers of the Word and Singers of the Gospel: The Ministry of Women Among Nineteenth Century African-Americans. Philadelphia, PA: G. D. Goode, 1990. 443p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 G613pr/
Gordan, Grant. From Slavery to Freedom: The Life of David George, Pioneer Black Baptist Minister. Hantsport, Nova Scotia: Lancelot Press Limited, 1992. 356p. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 971.6 G655f/
Gray, C. Jarrett, Jr. Soteriological Themes in African-American Methodist Preaching, 1876-1914. Madison, NJ: C. J. Gray, Jr., 1993. 293p. Dissertation. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 Af78gr/
Gray, C. Jarrett. The Racial and Ethnic Presence in American Methodism: A Bibliography. Madison, NJ: General Commission on Archives and History, The United Methodist Church, 1991. 89p. /GC 929.102 M56gr/
Greater New York Federation of Churches. The Negro Churches in Manhattan ( New York City): A Study Made in 1930. New York: Greater New York Federation of Churches, 1930. 36p. /GC 974.702 N422hoba/
Hamilton, F. M. . A Plain Account of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church in America. Nashville, TN: Southern Methodist Publishing House, 1887. 88p. /GC 973.068 H18p/
Harper, Matthew. The End of Days: African American Religion and Politics in the Age of Emancipation. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2016. 211p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 H231en/
Harris, Paul William. A Long Reconstruction: Racial Caste and Reconciliation in the Methodist Episcopal Church. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. 329p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 929.102 M56hp/
Harvey, Paul. Redeeming the South: Religious Cultures and Racial Identities among Southern Baptists, 1865-1925. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1997. 330p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 F89co/
Harvey, Paul. Through the Storm, Through the Night: A History of African American Christianity. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2011. 217p. Bibliography. Images. Index. Notes. Photographs. The African American History Series. /GC 973.068 H262t/
Hayes, John. Hard, Hard Religion: Interracial Faith in the Poor South. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2017. 238p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 975 H326ha/
Henry-Whitehead, Joselyn Georgette. A Study Exploring the Educational Needs of African-American Pastors' Wives within Baptist Congregations. Williamsburg, VA: The College of William and Mary, 2004. Appendices. Bibliography. /GC 973.068 H397st/
Hood, J. W. One Hundred Years of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church; the Centennial of African Methodism. New York: A. M. E. Zion Book Concerns, 1895. 625p. Photographs. /Microfiche/
Howard, Victor B. Conscience and Slavery: The Evangelistic Calvinist Domestic Missions, 1837-1861. Kent, OH: The Kent State University Press, 1990. 263p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 H829co/
Howard, Victor B. The Anti-Slavery Movement in the Presbyterian Church, 1835-1861. Columbus, OH: V. B. Howard, 1961. 378p. Dissertation. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 P92hw/
Hughes, John Edward. A History of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ministry to the Negro, 1845-1904. Louisville, KY: J. E. Hughes, 1971. 299p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 B22hug/
Hunt, Helen LaKelly. Abolitionist Feminists of the Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women of 1837: The Role of Theological Vision and the Ethic of Sympathy. New York: H. L. Hunt, 2003. 325p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 H911ab/
Hyman, Mark. Afrocentric Leanings of Black Church Owned Newspapers from Mid-Nineteenth Century to WWI. Philadelphia, PA: M. Hyman, 1991. 212p. Dissertation. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 H997af/
Irons, Charles F. The Origins of Proslavery Christianity: White and Black Evangelicals in Colonial and Antebellum Virginia. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2008. Index. Bibliography. Notes. Appendices. Illustrations. /GC 975.5 Ir65or/
Johnson, Andre E. No Future in This Country: The Prophetic Pessimism of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2020. 204p. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 J63no//
Johnson, Henry Morrison. The Methodist Episcopal Church and the Education of Southern Negroes, 1862-1900. New Haven, CT: H. M. Johnson, 1939. 606p. Bibliography. Notes. Illustrations. /GC 929.102 M56jh/
Johnson, Jeff G. Black Christians: The Untold Lutheran Story. St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 1991. 262p. Appendices. Notes. Tables. /GC 973 J631b/
Johnson, William Courtland. "To Dane in the Ring of All Creation": Camp Meeting Revivalism and the Color Line, 1799-1825. Riverside, CA: W. C. Johnson, 1997. 212p. Dissertation. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 M56jo/
Jordan, Lewis G. Negro Baptist History, U.S.A., 1750-1930. Nashville, TN: The Sunday School Publishing Board, 1995. 464p. Appendices. Bibliography. Photographs. Tables. /GC 929.102 B22jo/
Jordan, Ryan P. Slavery and the Meetinghouse: Quakers, Abolitionists, and the Dilemma Between Liberty and Union, 1820-65. Princeton, NJ: R. P. Jordan, 2004. 217p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 J761sl/
Jordan, Ryan P. Slavery and the Meetinghouse: The Quakers and the Abolitionist Dilemma, 1820-1865. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2007. 175p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 929.102 F91jor/
K'Meyer, Tracy Elaine. Interracialism and Christian Community in the Postwar South: The Story of Koinonia Farm. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 1997. 236p. Index. Bibliography. Notes. Appendix. Photographs. Illustrations. /GC 975.801 Su6km/
Kay, Ron. The Ethiopian Prophecy in Black American Letters. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2011. 258p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. The History of African-American Religion Series. /GC 973.068 K18et/
Kellison, Kimberly R. Forging a Christian Order: South Carolina Baptists, Race, and Slavery, 1696-1860. Knoxville, TN: The University of Tennessee Press, 2023. 226p. Appendices. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 975.7 K28fo/
Kirkwood, Roudell. The African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church and the Education of Afrikana Adults: An Historical Study of Quinn Chapel, Chicago, Illinois, 1947-1997. Dekalb, IL: Northern Illinois University, 2001. 147p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 977.302 C43ame/
Kroupa, Daniel R. Slave Revolts and North Carolina Quaker Migration. . Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, 1997. 96p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 975.6 K929s/
Lackey, Michael. African American Atheists and Political Liberation: A Study of the Sociocultural Dynamics of Faith. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2007. 172p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 L118af/
Lakey, Othal Hawthorne. The History of the CME Church (Revised). Memphis, TN: The CME Publishing House, 1996. 756p. Appendices. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 929.102 M56lake/
Lakey, Othal Hawthorne. The Rise of "Colored Methodism:" A Study of the Background and the Beginnings of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Dallas, TX: Crescendo Book Publications, 1972. 128p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 M65lak/
LaRue, Cleophus J., Jr. What Makes Black Preaching Distinctive?: An Investigation Based On Selected African-American Sermons from 1865-1915 in Relation to the Hermeneutical Discussion of David Kelsey. Princeton, NJ: C. J. LaRue, Jr., 1995. 421p. Appendix. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 L329wh/
Lincoln, C. Eric. and Lawrence H. Mamiya. The Black Church in the African American Experience. Durham, NC: Duke University, 1990. 519p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 L638bl/
Lincoln, Charles Eric. The Black Muslims in America. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1961. 276p. Index. Notes. /GC 973 L637b/
McBurney, Christian M. Jailed for Preaching: The Autobiography of Cato Pearce, A Freed Slave from Washington County, Rhode Island. Kingston, RI: Pettaquamscutt Historical Society, 2006. 37p + 48p. Illustrations. Appendices. /GC 929.2 P315Mc/
McIlhenny, Ryan C. . To Preach Deliverance to the Captives: Freedom and Slavery in the Protestant Mind of George Bourne, 1780-1845. . Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, 2020. 257p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.5 M45P/
McKerrow, Peter Evander. McKerrow, A Brief History of the Coloured Baptists of Nova Scotia, 1783-1895. 125p. Bibliography. Index. /GC 971.6 M199b/
McMickle, Marvin A. An Encyclopedia of African American Christian Heritage. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 2002. 302p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 M22e/
McMillan, Joseph Turner. The Development of Higher Education for Blacks During the Late Nineteenth Century: A Study of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; Wilberforce University; The American Missionary Association; Hampton Institute; and Fisk University. New York: J. T. McMillan, 1986. 525p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 M46de/
McNeil, Genna Rae et. al. Witness: Two Hundred Years of African-American Faith and Practice at the Abyssinian Baptist Church of Harlem, New York. . Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdman's Publishing Company, 2014. 708p. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 974.702 N421mcn/
Mendiola, Kelly Willis. The Hand of a Woman: Four Holiness-Pentecostal Evangelists and American Culture, 1840-1930. Austin, TX: K. W. Mendiola, 2002. 483p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. Photographs. /GC 929.102 P38me/
Messer, Glen Alton, II. Restless for Zion: New England Methodism, Holiness, and the Abolitionist Struggle, Circa 1789-1845. Boston, MA: Boston University, 2006. 343p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 974 M56re/
Montgomery, William Edward. Negro Churches in the South, 1865-1915. Austin, TX: W. E. Montgomery, 1975. 349p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 973.068 M766ne/
Morrison, Janet. Slaves and Free Blacks Known to Be Associated with Rocky River Presbyterian Church Prior to 1870. n.p.: Janet Morrison, c2004. /GC 975.602 C75mo/
Morrow, Diane Batts. Persons of Color and Religious at the Same Time: The Oblate Sisters of Providence, 1828-1860. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2002. 336p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 929.102 R66mo/
Morrow, Diane Batts. The Oblate Sisters of Providence: Issues of Black and Female Agency in Their Antebellum Experience, 1828-1860. Athens, GA: D. B. Morrow, 1996. 421p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 R66moa/
Murphy, Larry G., J. Gordon Melton, and Gary L. Ward. Encyclopedia of African American Religions. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1993. 926p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973 Af838enb/
Murray, Andrew E. Presbyterians and the Negro--A History. Philadelphia, PA: Presbyterian Historical Society, 1966. 270p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 M96p/
Newman, Richard S. Freedom's Prophet: Bishop Richard Allen, the AME Church, and the Black Founding Fathers. New York: New York University Press, 2008. 359p. Index. Notes. Illustrations. /GC 973.068 N462fr/
Nickens, Rodney Mark. The Slave Religious Experience in Biracial Protestant Churches in North and South Carolina from 1822 to 1861. Bolivar, MS: R. M. Nickens, 1999. 229p. Appendix. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 975 N533sl/
Norton, L. Wesley. The Religious Press and the Compromise of 1850: A Study of the Relationship of the Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian Press to the Slavery Controversy, 1846-1851. Urbana, IL: L. W. Norton, 1959. 308p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 N821re/
Ntloedibe, France N. The Tide of Africa: A Study of the Role of African Religious Influences in Slave Christian Conversion Experience in the South, 1865-1890. Riverside, CA: F. N. Ntloedibe, 2004. 164p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 N879ti/
O'Toole, James. Passing for White: Race, Religion, and the Healy Family, 1820-1920. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2002. 284p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 Ot6p/
Ochs, Stephen J. Desegregating the Altar: The Josephites and the Struggle for Black Priests, 1871-1960. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1990. 500p. Index. Bibliography. Appendices. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 Oc37de/
Payne, Wardell J. Directory of African American Religious Bodies: A Compendium by the Howard University School of Divinity. Washington, DC: Howard University Press, 1995. 382p. Appendices. Bibliography. Indices. /GC 973 D628ho/
Pickett, Otis Westbrook. We Are Marching to Zion: Zion Church and the Distinctive Work of Presbyterian Slave Missionaries in Charleston, South Carolina, 1849-1874. Charleston, SC: The College of Charleston and the Citadel, 2008. 132p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 975.702 C38pi/
Pierce, Yolanda. Hell Without Fires: Slavery, Christianity, and the Antebellum Spiritual Narrative. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2005. 151p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. The History of African-American Religion Series. /GC 973.068 P611he/
Pinn, Anthony B. The African American Religious Experience in America. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2008. 349p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. The History of African American Religions Series. /GC 973.068 P656af/
Poole, Stafford and Douglas J. Slawson. Church and Slave in Perry County, Missouri, 1818-1865. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1986. 251p. Appendices. Bibliography. Indices. Notes. Photographs. Studies in American Religion, V. 22. /GC 977.801 P42po/
Price, Emmett G., ed. The Black Church and Hip Hop Culture: Toward Bridging the Generational Divide. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2012. 208p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. African American Cultural Theory and Heritage Series. /GC 973.068 P931b/
Price, Valencia Bouncer. An Historical Perspective of the American Missionary Association and Its Establishment of Lemoyne College, 1871-1940. Nashville, TN: Tennessee State University, 2001. 180p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 976.802 M52pr/
Purifoy, Lewis McCarroll, Jr. The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and Slavery. Chapel Hill, NC: L. M. Purifoy, Jr., 1965. 238p. Dissertation. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 M56pu/
Raboteau, Albert J. Slave Religion: The "Invisible Institution" in the Antebellum South. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. 397p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 R113s/
Reeve, W. Paul. Religion of a Different Color: Race and the Mormon Struggle for Whiteness. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015. 335p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 929.102 R259re/
Riddick, Estelle B. Laying the Foundation: Educating the Freed Men, Women, and Children in South Carolina: A Mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 1865-1961. Madison, NJ: Drew University, 2005. 219p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. Photographs. /GC 975.7 R43L/
Roth, Donald Franklin. "Grace Not Race:" Southern Negro Church Leaders, Black Identity, and Missions to West Africa, 1865-1919. Austin, TX: D. F. Roth, 1975. 404p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 R742gr/
Russell, Daniel James. History of the African Union Methodists Protestant Church. Philadelphia, PA: Union Star Book & Job Printing and Publishing House, 1920, 2015. 68p. Photographs. /GC 973.068 R91hi/
Senior, Robert Cholerton. New England Congregationalists and the Anti-Slavery Movement, 1830-1860. New Haven, CT: R. C. Senior, 1954. 440p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 974 Se571ne/
Sernett, Milton C. African American Religious History: A Documentary Witness. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1999. 595p. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 Af83se/
Sernett, Milton C. Bound for the Promised Land: African American Religion and the Great Migration. . Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997. 346p. Appendix. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 Se67bo/
Smith, Jonathan Kennon. Death Notices in the CME Christian Index, 1885-1905. S. l.: J. K. Smith, 1999. 68p. Index. /GC 973 Sm58d/
Smith, Jonathan Kennon. Varied Notes Regarding Bishop Isaac Lane. S. l.: J. K. Smith, 1999. 48p. Bibliography. Index. /GC 929.2 L24sm/
Sobel, Mechal. Trabelin' On: The Slave Journey to an Afro-Baptist Faith. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979. 454p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Indices. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 So12t/
Stepp, Eddie. Interpreting a Forgotten Mission: African-American Missionaries of the Southern Baptist Convention in Liberia, West Africa, 1846-1860. Waco, TX: E. Stepp, 1999. 230p. Appendix. Bibliography. /GC 966.6 St453in/
Stokes, Christopher. Catholics in Beulahland: The Church's Encounter with Anti-Catholicism, Nativism, and Anti-Abolitionism in the Carolinas and Georgia, 1820-1845. Houston, TX: Rice University, 2001. 297p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 975 St6c/
Storey, John W. The Negro in Southern Baptist Thought, 1865-1900. Port Arthur, TX: J. W. Storey, 1968. 262p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 B22sto/
Sweet, Grace and Benjamin Bradley. Church Street: the Sugar Hill of Jackson, Mississippi. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2013. 190p. Appendices. Index. Photographs. /GC 976.202 J13sw/
Tanner, Benjamin Tucker. An Apology for African Methodism. Baltimore, MD: s.n., 1867. 468p. /GC 929.102 M56t/
Tata, Fabian Tah. The Blessed Mothers: African-American Missionary Women in English-Speaking Colonial Africa, 1850-1950--Their History, Their Work and Their Impact. Tallahassee, FL: F. T. Tata, 2002. 510p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 973.068 T187bl/
Taylor, William Harrison and Peter C. Messer. Faith and Slavery in the Presbyterian Diaspora. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press, 2016. 277p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Studies in Eighteenth-Century American and the Atlantic World. /GC 973.068 F17ta/
Thomas, James Reginald. African American Education in the Context of Lutheran Collegiate Institutions Since the Late Nineteenth Century. St. Paul, MN: J. R. Thomas, 1998. 286p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 929.102 L97th/
Turner, Mary. Slaves and Missionaries: The Disintegration of Jamaican Slave Society, 1787-1834. Kingston, Jamaica: The Press of University of West Indies, 1998. 223p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 972.92 T855sl/
Turner, Nicole Myers. Soul Liberty: The Emancipation of Black Religious Politics in Postemancipation Virginia. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2020. 209p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 975.5 T85s/
Turner, Richard Brent. Jazz Religion, the Second Line, and Black New Orleans. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2009. 182p. Index. Bibliography. Notes. Photographs. /GC 976.302 N43tur/
Von Germeten, Nicole. Black Blood Brothers: Confraternities and Social Mobility for Afro-Mexicans. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2006. 287p. Appendix. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. The History of African-American Religion Series. /GC 972 V894bl/
Walker, Addie Lorraine. Religious Education for the Regeneration of a People: The Religious Education of African-American Catholics in the Nineteenth Century. Boston, MA: A. L. Walker, 1996. 272p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 R66wa/
Wallace, W. Jason. Catholics, Slaveholders, and the Dilemma of American Evangelicalism, 1835-1860. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2010. 200p. Index. Notes. /GC 929.102 R66wal/
Walls, William J. The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church: Reality of the Black Church. Charlotte, NC: A.M.E. Zion Publishing House, 1974. 669p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Photographs. /GC 929.102 Af8w/
Weisbrot, Robert. Father Divine and the Struggle for Racial Equality. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1983. 241p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 W434fa/
Whelchel, L. H., Jr. The History & Heritage of African-American Churches: A Way Out of No Way. St. Paul, MN: Paragon House, 2011. 354p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 W57h/
White, Calvin Jr. The Rise to Respectability: Race, Religion, and the Church of God in Christ. Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas Press, 2012. 186p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 W582ri/
White, Ronald C., Jr. Social Christianity and the Negro in the Progressive Era, 1890-1920. Princeton, NJ: R. C. White, Jr., 1972. 303p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 W582so/
Wiggins, Rosalind Cobbs. Captain Paul Cuffe's Logs and Letters, 1808-1817: A Black Quaker's "Voice from Within the Veil". Washington, DC: Howard University Press, 1996. 529p. Index. Illustrations. Bibliography. /GC 929.2 C8945c/
Willborn, C. N. John L. Girardeau (1825-98), Pastor to Slaves and Theologian of Causes: A Historical Account of the Life and Contributions of an Often Neglected Southern Presbyterian Minister and Theologian. Philadelphia, PA: C. N. Willborn, 2003. 379p. Appendix. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 929.102 P92wil/
Williams, Ethel L. and Clifton F. Brown. The Howard University Bibliography of African and Afro-American Religious Studies. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, Inc., 1977. 525p. Index. /GC 973 W67h/
Williams, Gilbert Anthony. The Christian Recorder, Newspaper of the African Methodist Episcopal Church: History of a Forum for Ideas, 1854-1902. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 1996. 165p. Bibliography. Index. /GC 929.102 Af78wi/
Winsberg, Morton D. Atlas of Race, Ancestry, and Religion in 21st-Century Florida. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2006. 124p. Bibliography. Illustrations. /GC 975.9 W731at/
Woodward, Nathan. Baptists and Slavery in Frontier Missouri During the Antebellum Era. . Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University, 2011. 112p. Appendix. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 977.8 W87ba/
Wright, Ben. Bonds of Salvation: How Christianity Inspired and Limited American Abolitionism. . Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2020. 253p. Index. Notes. /GC 973 W93bp/
Young, Jason R. Rituals of Resistance: African Atlantic Religion in Kongo and the Lowcountry South in the Era of Slavery. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2007. 258p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Illustrations. Photographs. /GC 973.068 Y841ri/
Young, Jason Randolph. Rituals of Resistance: The Making of an African-Atlantic Religious Complex in Kongo and Along the Sea Islands of the Slave Trade. Riverside, CA: University of California, 2002. 285p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 Y841rit/